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nostrifikace.mkc.czGlossary of Terms › EC Long-term resident

EC Long-term resident

Resident status of third country nationals that are family members of EU member state nationals and have permitted permanent residence in the territory of the Czech Republic.

You need to apply for the status of long-term resident on your permanent residence application. Your status of long-term resident of the European Union is automatically granted with the positive decision of your permanent residence request. The application for the status of EC long-term resident may be submitted additionally.

EC long-term residents have more rights then other third country nationals but they don't have an equivalent position to EU nationals. For example, even though they have free access to the labour market in the Czech Republic, they would need to apply for a work permit if they plan to work in another EU member state. The fact that they are an EC long-term resident shall be taken in account.

Sources of Law:

  • Council Directive 2003/109/EC of 25 November 2003 concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents

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