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Recognition of foreign education and qualification
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nostrifikace.mkc.czGlossary of Terms › National Qualifications Framework

National Qualifications Framework

The National Qualifications Framework is an open public directory containing specifications of all professional qualifications recognized within the territory of the Czech republic. It doesn't only contain the list of full qualifications, i.e. the qualifications obtained as a result of formal school education, but also partial qualifications which make up only part of a certain profession. The National Qualification Framework serves those who obtained their professional skills in addition to their originally acquired education but have no documentation for it. Single professions are described in the form of standards which allow the examination and a certificate to be issued. The comparison of foreign and local qualification is thus made easier. Standards of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) were developed in accordance to the National Register of Occupation.

Sources of law:

  • The Act 179/2006 Sb., on the Verification and Recognition of Further Education Results

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