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nostrifikace.mkc.czGlossary of Terms › Residential register

Residential register

The residential register is one of the fundamental registers of the Czech republic. It contains all reference data on individuals. These are the EU and the Czech Republic nationals, foreigners with residence permit in the Czech Republic, and foreigners that were granted an international protection on the territory of the Czech Republic in the form of asylum or subsidiary protection.

In the register there are indicated following information:

  1. 1. Surname and name
  2. 2. Address of a residence, or the correspondence address (these addresses are in the form of reference information to the address in the register of territorial identification)
  3. 3. date, place and district of birth
  4. 4. date, place and district of death
  5. 5. state citizenship or citizeships
  6. 6. numbers of electronic readable identity documents
  7. 7. record on setting up a data box (if the data box is disclosed)

Sources of law:

  • 111/2009 Coll.) The Act on Basic Registers

META, o.p.s. – Společnost pro příležitosti mladých migrantů
Ječná 17, 120 00 Prague 2
Phone: (+420) 222 521 446
