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nostrifikace.mkc.czGlossary of Terms › Integrity (good character)

Integrity (good character)

Integrity in the broadest sense means that a person has not been convicted of a criminal offence or that the person leads an orderly life, doesn't commit offences, respects the law, etc. The requirement of integrity may concern only willful criminal offences or those related to a certain activity. Integrity criteria for various professions or the granting of various forms of permission may vary in accordance with specific legal regulations related to certain foms of permission or professions. For example, in accordance with the Trade Licensing Act, the nationals of the Czech Republic and foreign nationals with permanent residence permits declare their integrity by an extract from the Crime Register. Other country nationals are also obliged to submit an extract from the crime register (or equivalent document) issued by the state of which he/she is a national. This document must not be issued earlier then three months before the submission and must be translated into the Czech language by the court interpreter. EU member state citizens may submit a document issued by another EU member state which is the state of his/her recent residence.

Third country nationals (i.e. nationals of states other than the Czech Republic, EU member states, EEA, Swiss Confederation, resident and family members with long-term residence in the Czech Republic) shall submit an extract of the Criminal Record of the state in which he/she is a national + a translation of the document into the Czech language prepared by the court translator. The authenticity of the signature and the stamp need to be authorized (validity of the document is not longer than for 3 months). If the state doesn't issue an extract of the Crime records (or equivalent document), the person shall submit a declaration of integrity authorized by a notary or an authority of the state in which he/she is a national, or an authority of the state of recent residence.

Sources of law:

  • Article 6, Article 46, Act No. 455/1991 on the Trade Licensing as amended (Trade Licensing Act)
  • Act No 269/1994 on the Crime Register, as amended.
  • Specific legal regulations on the performance of certain professions (e.g. Article 3, paragraph 4, Article 30 of the Act No 95/2004 on conditions for the acquisition and recognition of professional competence and specialist competence to practice as a physician, dental practitioner or pharmacist) etc.

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Phone: (+420) 222 521 446
