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nostrifikace.mkc.czGlossary of Terms › subsidiary protection

subsidiary protection

Subsidiary protection is a form of international protection. It is a lower form of international protection than asylum. It is granted to the foreign nationals that do not meet the requirements for being granted asylum status but who, in case of return to their state of origin, would be exposed to a real risk of suffering serious harm. Consequently there is a condition that he/she can not or will not benefit from the protection of the state of which he/she is national (or where he/she has a residence in case of person with no nationality) for reason of this risk.

Serious harm means imposition or execution of capital punishment, torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of the applicant for international protection, serious threat to life or human dignity by reason of malicious violence in situations of an international or internal armed conflict, or if the foreign national’s departure from the country would contradict the international obligations of the Czech Republic.

Sources of law:

  • The Act No. 325/1999 Coll. on asylum and amendment (Asylum Act)

META, o.p.s. – Společnost pro příležitosti mladých migrantů
Ječná 17, 120 00 Prague 2
Phone: (+420) 222 521 446
